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Showing posts from October, 2015

DIY Milk Jug Halloween Ghosts

Hello DIYers! Today's DIY is DIY Milk Jug Halloween Ghosts. These are so easy to make, but not the cheapest Halloween decorations you could make, but anyways, let's get started! What you'll need: 1. Clearish/Whitish Milk Jug(s) 2. Black Sharpie 3. 3 battery-lit candles per jug 4. Sharp Knife Steps:  1. Draw ghost faces on the clear/whitish milk jug(s) with the black sharpie. 2. Make a small hole on the back of the jug with the knife (opposite side of the drawn-on face) WITH A PARENT'S SUPERVISION! 3. Turn on the fake candles, and slip them through the hole of the jug. 4. Put them outside on Halloween night! 5. After Halloween is over, don't forget to turn the candles off! NOTE: To make the ghost decor look more colorful, put in a few glow sticks in the cartons instead of fake candles! This is DEFINITELY much cheaper, but does not look like the traditional ghost- the choice is up to you! I hope you enjoyed this DIY tutorial! Have a HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY Ha

DIY Sim Halloween Costume

Hey DIYers! Today's DIY is perfect if you haven't figured out what to be for Halloween! I was thinking about cheap, but clever Halloween costumes that would be really really recognizable, and I came up with.... a DIY Sim Halloween Costume! Let's get started with the DIY! What you'll need: - A plain headband the color of your hair - THIS template - Scissors - Tape or Glue - Hot Glue - 3 feet of long, sturdy (can hold up a little weight without bending), thin wire Steps: 1. Print out THIS template on green paper (OR, USE MARKERS AND COLOR IT IN!) 2. Cut out each half of the sim plumbob (the diamond-y shape) on the DOTTED lines. 3. Fold on the solid lines of each half of the plumbob, and fold the tabs inward 4. Tape or glue the tabs to form each half of the plumbob. 5. Tape or blue each half of the plumbob together, to create the final plumbob. 6. Puncture a tip of the plumbob with the long, sturdy, thin wire. 7. Use the hot glue to glue the wire in place

DIY Halloween Ghost-in-a-Graveyard Pudding Cups

Hi DIYers! Since it is almost Halloween, I decided to do a DIY on Halloween Ghost-in-a-Graveyard Pudding Cups. These taste SOOOOO good, and they are perfect to make if you have a Halloween party! What you'll need: -Pudding cups -Ghost Halloween Peeps Mashmallows -Pumpkin shaped candy-corn -Oreos (1 pack per 4 pudding cups) Steps: 1. Take the seal off the pudding cup 2. Crush up one row of oreos in the pack, by putting them in a plastic bag, and hitting them with a spoon. 3. Put the crushed oreos on the top of the pudding. 4. Place a Ghost Peep Marshmallow a tiny bit in the pudding cup (see picture for example). 5. Place a pumpkin candy-corn right in front of the ghost peep marshmallow. You're Done! Thanks for reading! Stay tuned for the next post! And if you want some more food DIY's, click HERE ! -DIY With Madi