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Showing posts from December, 2014

DIY Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer EOS Lip-Balm

Hello everyone, this is another one of my DIY's in my EOS Series! Because only 6 more days of Christmas, and it's the 3nd day of Hanukkah, this cute Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer EOS is so amazing and perfect for the holidays! Let's get started! What you'll need: -Red Summer Fruit EOS -Styrofoam block (There should be this paper substance covering each side with Styrofoam in the middle) -Hot Glue or Glue Stick -Craft Knife Steps: 1. Print out this PDF Outline for the reindeer! Thank you so much Vanessa for the great idea! 2. Cut the Styrofoam block so it is the same size as the printout 3. Glue the reindeer outline printout onto the Styrofoam sheet and smooth it down so there isn't any bubbles 4. Using the craft knife, (PLEASE BE CAREFUL!) cut out the red nose while cutting out a little chunk of the styrofoam with it. 5. Put the eos in the cut-out hole! It should rest perfectly in there, but it might fall out if you didn't cut deep enough into the

DIY Snowman Donuts!

Hello! Can you believe it's already December 13th?! There's less than a month until 2015! Anyways, here is a quick, YUMMY DIY! It's Snowman Donuts! They are SO cute, and super super super delicious! So anyways, let's start this DIY! Ingredients: Hostess Mini Donuts Orange Mike and Ikes (You can just get the green packaged Mike and Ikes, just pick out the orange ones) 6 chocolate chips for each Snowman Donut Steps: Rest a mini donut on a plate Put an orange Mike and Ike through the donut hole, the wider part inside the donut and the smaller part out of the donut (SEE PICTURE) Put 2 chocolate chips for the eyes and 4 for the mouth. YOU'RE DONE! If you want multiple Snowman Donuts, do the Steps for how many donuts you have! I hope you enjoyed this DIY! It's not sponsored! Enjoy these yummy treats and have happy holidays! Stay tuned for the next DIY! ~DIY With Madi

DIY 3D Paper Snowflakes!

Happy December everyone! Today's DIY is how to make these super cute and decorative 3D Paper Snowflakes! These are perfect for the holidays because they're not religious! Plus, they don't necessarily need to be for the holidays- they can just be a yearly thing! What you'll need: -2 pieces of regular sized sheets of paper -A printer -Scissors -Tape -Hole Puncher -String Instructions: 1. Print out this PDF File twice (It makes the whole process a  LOT  easier than doing it without a template...) 2. Use your scissors and cut out the squares. We only need six of the squares to make one snowflake, so you can discard the extra two, or save them for another snowflake. 3. Fold each square diagonally. 4. Cut on the lines of each diagonally-folded square piece of paper. 5. Unfold everything. It should look like this: 6. Fold the inner cuts and tape it like this: 7. Turn the paper over and tape the second set of cuts together like so: 8. Turn the paper over a